IV Therapy

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What is IV Hydration or Vitamin Therapy?

Intravenous therapy is a medical technique that helps deliver fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into a person’s vein. IV infusions are typically the fastest way to restore a fluid balance and allow the body to quickly absorb much needed-medication or nutrients. 

IV vitamin therapy first became popular in the 1950s when Dr. John Myers first served up his development of IV micronutrient therapy in an attempt to treat chronic conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia, asthma, fatigue, and more. Dr. Myers invented his now-famous Myers’ Cocktail IV therapy. The basic Myers’ formula соnѕіѕtѕ of a mixture of mаgnеѕіum, Calcium, vіtаmіn C, and an аѕѕоrtmеnt оf B vіtаmіnѕ. His theory was that due to digestive constraints and the body’s internal detoxification system, our bodies were only able to absorb a fraction of vitamins and nutrients when taking supplements. His idea was to bypass the digestive system and introduce nutrients directly into the bloodstream in order to increase the body’s ability to absorb the supplements. 

While the concept of IV hydration and vitamin therapy may only be a few decades old, IV therapy has been a medical practice since the 1600s. We have now come a long way in medical advancements, and in our modern age, IV therapy has become a popular elective option to introduce hydration and nutrition into the bloodstream effectively. 

Today, all IV drips are administered with pharmaceutical-grade, high-quality supplements. Research has shown as much as 90 percent of the supplements introduced via IV get absorbed in your body versus nearly 50 percent of nutrient quality being lost through the digestive system. 

Generally, the risks of adverse reactions are low with IV therapy. Risks include but are not limited to, infection at the injection site, nutrient overload, or allergic reaction. Those with chronic kidney disease or chronic heart failure should always speak with their physician prior to receiving IV vitamin therapy. Some chronic or previous medical conditions may make an individual ineligible for treatment. 

IV therapy comes in a variety of formulas, all created to help alleviate and treat certain symptoms. Infusions take roughly 30-60 minutes to absorb and should always be administered by a medical professional. 

Understanding your labs may be an important step in better comprehending your mineral and nutrient deficiencies. Speaking to your primary caregiver may give you better insight into whether or not IV therapy would be beneficial to your health. 

What is a Myers Cocktail (Best Seller); $200.00
(Magnesium Chloride, Calcium gluconate, Vitamin Blend, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C + Normal Saline)

Myers’ Cocktail is one of the most popular IV nutrition therapy services, and what we consider today’s popular IV therapy sessions really got its start. Originally developed in the mid-1950s, the Myers’ Cocktail was developed by Dr. John Myers as a procedure to help alleviate chronic symptoms. Served as the primary form of IV therapy, Dr. Myers invented this medical treatment option because he wanted a way to quickly replenish fluids and deliver nutrients to help those who suffered from fatigue, migraines, asthma, allergies, fibromyalgia, and more. 

Often coined as a “banana bag,” a Myers’ Cocktail is typically used in acute care settings when restoring lost nutrients and fluids. This formula gets its fruit inspired nickname due to the color of the nutrients it is formulated with - typically a yellow color. Medical professionals have been administering a similar IV therapy when patients come in who are clearly dehydrated and nutrient deficient as a way to help restore balance and lost electrolytes. 

Depending on who is administering a Myers’ Cocktail, the formula can vary, but it typically consists of vitamin C, B complex, magnesium, zinc, calcium, glutathione, and iv fluids. These vitamins, minerals, and fluids work in conjunction to replenish the body and help alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. 

A Myers’ Cocktail has also been known to help boost immunity, regulate energy levels, help with seasonal allergies, and reduce muscle spasms. A Myers’ Cocktail formulation can help alleviate a variety of symptoms, and it is typically one of the more popular IV hydration therapies requested. 

Myers’ Cocktails have been known to help improve mood by boosting serotonin levels. Administering an IV therapy with vitamin C and B vitamins helps replace damaged cells within the brain and improve optimal functionality within the nervous system. This leads to more mental clarity and an increased mood. 

B vitamins also help restore feelings of vitality and energy. B complex vitamins work together to bring energy to our cells through the production of blood cells. Most energy effects can be felt immediately after receiving IV therapy, with many individuals going on to say that the therapy has increased their energy levels for days or weeks after. 

The Myer’s Cocktail is typically a go-to option when trying to boost your immune system as well. If you feel an illness coming on or have an important event you want to boost your immunity for, the cocktail formula provides pharmacy-grade nutrients to help fend off illness or, in many cases, help you recover faster. Proper hydration and extra vitamin C provide powerful antioxidants to help fight free radicals which may cause infection.

NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)

NAD+ Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, also known as NAD+, is a coenzyme linked to metabolism and energy production in the body. It is produced in large amounts during youth and declines in production as we age. This tends to have effects on our physical and mental wellness. 

NAD+ is a coenzyme of vitamin B3, which has a direct correlation on how energy is produced in our cells. It is important to note that all significant cellular functions cannot occur without the presence of NAD+. A process referred to as DNA Damage Response is a bodily function that repairs DNA damage and relies on the presence of NAD+ in order to operate.

When amounts of NAD+ are low, the DNA Damage Response is diminished, which increases rates of DNA damage. NAD+ naturally begins to decrease at around age 40 and can decrease in amounts up to 50%. Studies have shown that appropriate levels of NAD+ in the body contribute to improved immune function and the ability to fend off illness. NAD+ also contributes to lower rates of inflammation, which reduces the effects that inflammation has on the body during illness. Increased amounts of NAD+ in the body have been proven to better neutralize foreign invaders causing the infection. 

One of the key components of NAD+ is the production of energy within the body. NAD+ facilitates the catalytic production of energy on a cellular level. Its main function is to convert food into energy and activate enzymes that speed up chemical processes. A deficiency of NAD+ would, therefore, inhibit the body’s ability to produce energy. 

NAD+ has a close relationship with your circadian rhythm, which is a mechanism that creates physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. This cycle naturally promotes feelings of sleepiness or wakefulness, which prompt our body to either rest or be alert depending on which stage of the cycle it is in. Low levels of NAD+ will have profound effects on your circadian rhythm and may disrupt the body’s ability to reach deep states of rest or provide enough energy during times of wakefulness.

The body’s ability to repair DNA tends to lessen as we age. Because one of the primary functions of NAD+ is to repair DNA, higher levels of this coenzyme may lead to why many believe it encourages anti-aging benefits. The accumulation of free radical damage is what scientists believe is the root cause of aging. NAD+ cell repair’s mechanism helps prevent further free radical damage while limiting the effects that aging has on the body


One of the most notable vitamins offered through IV therapy is the antioxidant powerhouse, Vitamin C. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a necessary nutrient for building collagen, which is an important protein needed in the body for building healthy bones, skin, muscles, and ligaments. 

Vitamin C gained its notoriety during the 1970s when double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling promoted daily megadoses as a preventative measure against viruses and some chronic diseases. Decades later, current research proves just how important Vitamin C is in immune function and preventing oxidative stress. 

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient, which means the body is unable to store it, and it is recommended that you consume this vitamin daily. Vitamin C is integral to wound healing and controlling infections. Due to its powerful antioxidant nature, Vitamin C can also neutralize harmful free radicals. Ascorbic acid also assists in the production of hormones as well as helping chemical messengers throughout the brain and nervous system. This powerful antioxidant also improves the absorption of nonheme iron, which is a type of iron found in leafy green vegetables. 

Studies have indicated that supplementing with vitamin C during a cold may help reduce the symptoms or severity of the illness, especially when taken at the onset of the cold. Vitamin C is also a crucial nutrient for times when the body is under stress. Research shows that when the body is under stress, vitamin C quickly depletes cells - especially during times of active infection or intense physical exertion. 

Ascorbic acid also facilitates the production of white blood cells, which are a necessary component in fighting infection. By increasing the body’s ability to make collagen, vitamin C is also touted as an anti-aging supplement. By reducing free radicals, vitamin C neutralizes oxidative stress, which may lead to the premature aging of cells. Free radicals are destructive to proteins, fats, and DNA and break down collagen, which may lead to the physical appearance of wrinkles and aging. 


Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. It is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally produced in the body and is found in high concentrations in various cells and tissues, particularly in the liver. Glutathione plays a crucial role in protecting cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. Here are some of the key functions and benefits of glutathione:

1. Antioxidant Defense: Glutathione is one of the body's primary antioxidants, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage cells and DNA. It helps maintain the balance between oxidation and antioxidation in the body.

2. Detoxification: Glutathione is involved in the detoxification process in the liver, where it binds to and helps eliminate various toxins, heavy metals, and drugs. It plays a critical role in phase II detoxification reactions.

3. Immune Support: Glutathione is essential for a well-functioning immune system. It enhances the activity of immune cells, such as T cells and natural killer cells, and helps the body fight off infections and illnesses.

4. Skin Health: Some people use glutathione supplements for skin lightening or brightening effects. 

5. Reducing Inflammation: Glutathione has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various diseases, so reducing it can have long-term health benefits.

6. Energy Production: Glutathione is involved in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body's primary source of energy. It helps optimize energy metabolism.

7. Antiaging: While more research is needed, some studies suggest that maintaining adequate levels of glutathione may contribute to a longer and healthier life by reducing the cellular damage associated with aging.

It's important to note that while glutathione is naturally produced by the body and obtained from dietary sources, some people use glutathione supplements for various purposes. 

Benefits of IV Therapy

Quick Nutrient Absorption

Increases energy levels

Boosts Immune system

Decrease stress and anxiety

Improves/Enhance skin health

Improves hydration status

Helps with hangovers

Improves Mental Clarity

Use for Anti-aging

Why wait any longer? Contact us today by calling 817-592-3046 to learn more about our services!

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